Celebrating 26 Years of excellence

The seed of V.P.S was sown before a decade ago in the birth place of lord Krishna, near pious bank of river Yamuna by dadeptmansurya of adhyatma, Sri Shyam Sundarji Shastri with resolution to inculcate values of Sanskrit, Sanskriti and sanskar through Eng. Medium. With his spiritual pilgrimage pujya Shastriji flourished the message of spiritual vigilance, social consciousness and social welfare in various parts of India.

Educational journey of V.P.S. established its new amplitude when place was limited due to rising no. of students and Ishtikanyas of huge campus was performed with noble hands of pujya Sri Shanti Devi Shastri in midst of vrindavan Dhorera (nav vrindavan). At present your V.P.S. is renowned symbol of true education reflecting true beauty of vrindavan.

Life  @  V.P.S





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vrindavan nursery school


V. P. S has always been an inspiration for my child. Efforts made by director sir for happiness of students are really appreciable. Greenery of school refresh my child's mind every minute.VPS always tried the best to find hidden talent of child we just hope that tradition of 100% result remain constantly progressive as usual.  -
Dr liladhar & Mrs. Aradhna gupta (Ekta gupta- 11 pcm)


Knowing that you care for our kids, Give us confidence and reassurance you take care of each and ever  child in school in such a beautiful and loving way and for that we can't thank you enough
  Mr. & Mrs. Dubey ( Raghav dubey, 10 A)


Due to the hard work of all teachers &  staff members my child is getting education in a comfortable environment. All members are very friendly as my son never hesitates to ask any query many times. Big thanks to all of you for motivation.
Mr. Ajit & Mrs. Mohini ( Raghav Ag, 11 pcm )


All teachers and very skilled & help students in their tough times. Rules, regulations & culture plays a vital role in student's life as deals with students behavior and output is always positive - Mr. & Mrs. Gautam ( Falguni Gautam, 12 Comm)


हम आपके प्रति आभारी हैं कि अच्छी तरह से अनुशासित प्रकृति के साथ हर तरह से बालक को आपने उत्कृष्ट बनाया |
मास्टर निखिल अग्रवाल श्री संतोष अग्रवाल के पुत्र (कक्षा 5) 2. एक अभिभावक के रूप में मैं हमेशा अपने बच्चे के अच्छे भविष्य की कामना करता हूं और वी.पी.एस. विद्यालय उत्कृष्ट है।
श्रीमान& श्रीमती मिश्रा (अनवी मिश्रा, 7A)


विद्यालय हर दृष्टि से प्रशंसनीय है|  प्रबंधन, संकाय और प्रासंगिक सुविधाओं की अनुकूल प्रकृति के साथ जहां हर बच्चा अपने सपनों को उड़ान दे सकता है।
(विवानशी अग्रवाल , D/O वैभव गर्ग, पीजी )


मैं स्कूल की शिक्षण पद्धति से प्रसन्न हूं।  शिक्षकों और प्रबंधन का बहुत सहयोग है .. मेरी इच्छा है कि स्कूल नवीन आयामों को स्थापित करे |(श्री और श्रीमती शर्मा, मनीषा शर्मा 8B)
5. स्कूल का वातावरण प्रत्येक बच्चे के समग्र विकास के लिए अनुकूल है। (श्री और श्रीमती सिंह, देवांश सिंह, 8 A)


It's a great effort to build up a strong partnership between parents and teachers. I am very much satisfied with the school and its staff for their helpful nature.
( Saksham kushwaha S/O Baldev kushwaha, 4th)


Not even students but we parents also feel valued and respected when we walk to doors of V. P. S. Annual function, sports meet various competitions are your secret keys for the door of success.
Lt. Devendra kumar sharma, Lt. Rajni verma

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Uttar Pradesh - 281121

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